Trong bài này bạn sẽ vận dung kiến thức ở hai bài vừa học (GET – POST) để thực hành trên Postman dựa vào thông tin yêu cầu như bên dưới. Các bạn cần đọc kĩ yêu cầu để biết được ý nghĩa của các API cũng như các trường cần thiết.
1. Get an employee by ID
This API will retrieving one employee by the employee_id, the response data will show all details of that ID.
URL |<employee_id> |
Method | GET |
URL Params | <employee_id> |
Header | Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic d2ViX2FwcDpjaGFuZ2VpdA== |
Data Params | <none> |
Success Response | Code: 200 OK
Content: [ { “id”: “<id>”, “employee_name”: “<name>”, “employee_salary”: “<salary>”, “employee_age”: “<age>” } ] |
Error Response | 401 Unauthorized (Incorrect permission) |
Sample Call | http://localhost/employee_api/v1/employees/1 |
Notes | In our database, the employee_id from 1 to 15 will be stable and will not removed, so you can use these IDs for testing and get the sample data. |
2. Update an employee information
This API will help to update an employee information by the employee_id.
URL | |
Method | PUT |
URL Params | <none> |
Header | Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic d2ViX2FwcDpjaGFuZ2VpdA== |
Data Params | {
“id”: “<id>”, “employee_name”: “<new_name>”, “employee_salary”: “<new_salary>”, “employee_age”: “<new_age>” }
Success Response | Code: 200 OK
Content: { “status”: 1, “status_message”: “Employee updated successfully.” }
Error Response | 401 Unauthorized (Incorrect permission) |
Sample Call | {
“id” : 7, “employee_name” : “Nam”, “employee_salary”: “800”, “employee_age”: “25” } |
Notes | <none> |
3. Delete an employee
This API will support to delete an employee by the employee_id.
URL | |
Method | DELETE |
URL Params | <none> |
Header | Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic d2ViX2FwcDpjaGFuZ2VpdA== |
Data Params | {
“id” : <id> } |
Success Response | Code: 200 OK
Content: { “status”: 1, “status_message”: “Employee deleted successfully.” }
Error Response | 401 Unauthorized (Incorrect permission) |
Sample Call | {
“id” : 5 } |
Notes | <none> |